Daughters, Sisters, Best Friends...That's us!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Now we're walking!!

Hello! I just wanted to show you my outfit that I wore to church on Sunday! Especially now that I can wear a bow in my hair! :) Dad says I'm adorable! Oh yeah, I can walk now too! Check out the video down below!

Then there's my Auntie Anna~ She's pretty cool! I don't even have to explain why! I"m so glad that she's family! I know one day we will cause lots of trouble together! (wink, wink!)

Don't mind my dirty face!! I like to eat and then save the rest for later!

I almost forgot about this toy...but now I can jump around it in and then it makes lots of noise! Soooo much fun!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Walking...sort of!

Great-Grandma says it's time to update, so here we are...updating! :) I recently turned 9 months old and I'm motorin' around the house as fast as I can. I'm can open all the cabinets, drawers, anything that mom hasn't locked shut yet. I'm starting to walk some too. I'll take a step but lose my balance, but I'm working on it!

I'm also starting to get my top 2 teeth! Mom says any day now. It's a good thing because they make me a little fussy throughout the day and I'm chewing on anything I can! I can also wave "hi" and "bye" now too! I'm growing up so fast!

I got to help mom sort out the mail the other day. I'm looking at getting the bundle package dad! Can we afford that?!

Take a look at me walking around with my doll stroller!