Daughters, Sisters, Best Friends...That's us!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Fall!

Well, lots has gone on since August! My grandparents and uncles came to visit me from Texas and boy did we have a great time! It was nice and hot and sunny so we went to the beach everyday! It was sure nice to see them and I get to go on an airplane soon and see them once again!

My cousin D and I went to the corn maze at Escobar's Farm a few days ago! Good thing Aunt Molly had a map otherwise we would have gotten lost! We also milked a cow and had a hay fight too! It was so much fun!

Have I mentioned that I'm going to be a BIG SISTER!!! I'm sure I have! I'm so excited! I have been practicing with all my dollies and I take good care of them! I'll be able to help out mom all the time! As long as Koda doesn't get in the way!

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