Daughters, Sisters, Best Friends...That's us!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Fall!

Well, lots has gone on since August! My grandparents and uncles came to visit me from Texas and boy did we have a great time! It was nice and hot and sunny so we went to the beach everyday! It was sure nice to see them and I get to go on an airplane soon and see them once again!

My cousin D and I went to the corn maze at Escobar's Farm a few days ago! Good thing Aunt Molly had a map otherwise we would have gotten lost! We also milked a cow and had a hay fight too! It was so much fun!

Have I mentioned that I'm going to be a BIG SISTER!!! I'm sure I have! I'm so excited! I have been practicing with all my dollies and I take good care of them! I'll be able to help out mom all the time! As long as Koda doesn't get in the way!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Time!!

Well, we've been busy this summer doing all sorts of new things! I love going to the beach and have discovered that I love the sand! I enjoy playing it in, throwing it, digging in it, as well as eating it! I think it tastes just wonderful!!

I also enjoy taking long walks to the cliff walk! I especially like them with Koda. I'm almost big enough where I can walk him on my own!

I have also discovered that I can open the fridge! I love whipped cream!! It's almost better than ice cream!

I even went to my first polo game with Uncle Jeff, Aunt Molly, and my cousin D. It was pretty cool! I really was more interested in the big dog that was sitting by us as well as everyone's food! :)

Mom especially loves it when I fall asleep...even if it is only for 20 minutes!!

Oh p.s.: I'm gonna be a big sister in January!!! :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Beach Day!!

Well, the summer here in Rhode Island is taking forever to arrive but we were lucky one day last week to get some sunshine!! We packed up the toys and grabbed some sunscreen and headed off to the beach! Dad and I attempted to make sand castles, even though I find it more entertaining to try to knock them down as fast as I can.

I also helped mom by picking up all the rocks and shells in my area and put them in the bucket...where they belong?! I usually help mom pick up toys at home and I figured I would help pick up here too!! :)

I am getting use the sand and the loud noises of the waves. Remember last summer I was just a peanut sleeping in my tent the whole time. But this is a lot of FUN!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The BIG One!!

Let's back up a bit to the weekend BEFORE my big birthday...We all got together on a sunny Saturday afternoon and took a quick road trip to the Roger Williams Park Zoo. This was my first time to the zoo so I really didn't know what to think but as long as my cousin Dylan was ok, then I was ok too. I got to see a baby giraffe, elephants, birds (I love birds), seals, and even bats! It was quite the sight. It was so much fun to go to the zoo!!

Then, for the big birthday!!!

My first birthday! Wow, what a day!! I had a whole bunch of relatives come in and help me celebrate my big day! Mom made lots of cupcakes and cookies which were a big hit. Dad helped get all the food together and we all went down the the park and had a great time. I really didn't find any interest in my cake but that's ok! At least I didn't have to change and take a bath!! :) We flew kites, that got stuck in the tree, we played with bubbles and then ran around in the grass until we got so tired!! Then...just when you thought the party was over, everyone came over to my house and partied some more!! While I was sleeping, everyone helped put together a big kitchen set that my grandparents bought me! It was soooo neat!! So we had more food and more laughs! I love being ONE!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Spring!!

Wow! Can you believe that it's spring time already!? Besides the fact that the weather is NOT spring like, the birds made their grand entrance and I love to watch the birds eat outside the window.

I also love to climb up on Koda! He's like having my own pony!

Did someone say "ICE CREAM"? I love Frosty Freeze!

Easter was a lot of fun too! We got to dress up and then we went to grandpa and grandma's house and had more fun there! I just can't wait until I can play outside for a long time without getting too cold! :) Yea for Spring!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Oh, the Luck of the Irish...

Since I'm a teeny-weeny bit Irish, I thought I would indulge (big word for a 10mo. old) in my first St. Patty's Day Parade in Newport!
Wow!! What a scene!!!

There were so many different things to look at! There was action EVERYWHERE!! Good thing I had my dad and Aunt Molly look after me!! One of those clowns may have taken me away!!

But look at all the pretty beads I got from the event!! So stylish!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Now we're walking!!

Hello! I just wanted to show you my outfit that I wore to church on Sunday! Especially now that I can wear a bow in my hair! :) Dad says I'm adorable! Oh yeah, I can walk now too! Check out the video down below!

Then there's my Auntie Anna~ She's pretty cool! I don't even have to explain why! I"m so glad that she's family! I know one day we will cause lots of trouble together! (wink, wink!)

Don't mind my dirty face!! I like to eat and then save the rest for later!

I almost forgot about this toy...but now I can jump around it in and then it makes lots of noise! Soooo much fun!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Walking...sort of!

Great-Grandma says it's time to update, so here we are...updating! :) I recently turned 9 months old and I'm motorin' around the house as fast as I can. I'm can open all the cabinets, drawers, anything that mom hasn't locked shut yet. I'm starting to walk some too. I'll take a step but lose my balance, but I'm working on it!

I'm also starting to get my top 2 teeth! Mom says any day now. It's a good thing because they make me a little fussy throughout the day and I'm chewing on anything I can! I can also wave "hi" and "bye" now too! I'm growing up so fast!

I got to help mom sort out the mail the other day. I'm looking at getting the bundle package dad! Can we afford that?!

Take a look at me walking around with my doll stroller!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

An Update

Well, not much happening here! It just keeps snowing outside so mom and dad have been keeping me in so I don't get too cold! So I am trying to keep things interesting as much as I can, but at times it can be difficult.

So I've learned that bubble baths are cool, except when I get lots of water in my face; that brushing my two teeth is fun and that I can stand all on my own! Mom says I'm going to start walking any day now! I just have to keep practicing! I've even learned a new word!! "MOM"!!! Boy, is she excited about that!

Dad, mom, Koda, and I went for a walk on the cliff walk and mom took a cool picture, just thought I would share it with you.