Daughters, Sisters, Best Friends...That's us!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Time!!

Well, we've been busy this summer doing all sorts of new things! I love going to the beach and have discovered that I love the sand! I enjoy playing it in, throwing it, digging in it, as well as eating it! I think it tastes just wonderful!!

I also enjoy taking long walks to the cliff walk! I especially like them with Koda. I'm almost big enough where I can walk him on my own!

I have also discovered that I can open the fridge! I love whipped cream!! It's almost better than ice cream!

I even went to my first polo game with Uncle Jeff, Aunt Molly, and my cousin D. It was pretty cool! I really was more interested in the big dog that was sitting by us as well as everyone's food! :)

Mom especially loves it when I fall asleep...even if it is only for 20 minutes!!

Oh p.s.: I'm gonna be a big sister in January!!! :)